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Immunization Requirements




 Listed below are the minimum requirements for a child to enroll in school.  Please check your child’s immunization records and get needed immunizations before the start of the school year. 


DPT/DTAP – 5 doses required, unless 4th dose was given on or after 4th birthday.


POLIO (IPV/OPV) – 4 doses required, unless 3rd dose was given on or after 4th birthday.


Meningitis MC4




MMR – 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)


HIB – One dose required for children 15 months to 5 years of age


HEPATITIS B – 3 doses required (6 month interval between first and third dose)


NEW: Hepatitis A is now REQUIRED; children must receive 2 doses 6 months apart


NEW: 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine (Varicella) IF the child has not had chickenpox disease



Immunizations may be obtained at your physician’s office or at:


*Midland Health and Senior Services

3300 W. Illinois, Ste. 22

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


                        * Child must be accompanied by parent or guardian. A copy of your child's shot record will be required before immunizations will be given.